In season 5 of Fortnite, there are many different challenges that the player has to complete. Each of the Fortnite quests is more unique and difficult than the previous one. In season 5 players first, find it hard due to ...

Fortnite Winterfest 2020 is the most enjoyable day of the year in which the players get many new and amazing gifts. The theme also changes with the snowfall theme. In the previous year, Winterfest provided many new gifts to each ...

Season 5 of Fortnite has brought a series of new challenges for the players. Fortnite season 5 has introduced the new hunters like Mandalorian game character. There are many different Mandalorian challenges you have to complete. After completing these challenges ...

Fortnite Collect Maple Syrup Buckets There are many changes in season 5 of Fortnite. There and different and unique maps. Release of NPCs the nonplayer character in the game through which you can get help and purchase exotic weapons in ...

Season 5 of Fortnite has brought many new and unique features. In particular, there is a whole new system of the quest. Each of the Fortnite quests contains challenges and their challenger has a timer on them. You have to ...

Fortnite season 5 has brought many and unique challenges for the players. When the players complete these challenges they get the reward. These challenges tables have been removed from the lobby and placed inside a quest option. Each of the ...

Fortnite enthusiasts would be well familiar with the recent additions made in season 5. At the top of the list of these additions, you’ll be able to spot gold bars. The words Gold Bars surely might’ve grabbed your attention but ...

Fortnite’s recently launched season is all about hunting, as you might’ve seen from the currently running bounty hunter theme. So, to keep the theme intact, Fortnite’s introduced Bounties for its players. These relatively shorter 5-minute mini-challenges are not only full ...

Fortnite has 350 million players across the globe, as per statistics of May 2020. It has gained worldwide popularity since its emergence in 2017. The attributes that have made this game a global hit are clear. It’s free to play ...

Fortnite season 5 brought many amazing updates and unique features. The number of changes in Map and introduction of NPC has made the player more addicted to the game. NPC in the game provides different challenges and quests to the ...