Fortnite Place A Camera BeachSide Mansion Complete Guide

In season 5 of Fortnite, there are many different challenges that the player has to complete. Each of the Fortnite quests is more unique and difficult than the previous one. In season 5 players first, find it hard due to the new locations but with the help of the map they can find every location with ease.

The weekly challenges of Fortnite now also have a tier so you have to complete the challenge within the given time otherwise it will get expire and you may not be able to move ahead in the season.

  1. One of the best interesting challenges in Fortnite is the place a camera in the beachside mansion.
  2. The task is extremely easy to perform you just need to know where to go.
  3. You can take help from the map and reach the place.
  4. The beachside mansion is located left side of the map near the small heart-shaped island called sweaty sands.

In this challenge, you have to interact with the camera to place it. The challenge is relatively easy and simple to perform than the challenges that are coming ahead.

How To Place The Camera On Beachside Mansion?


Once you can locate the Mansion the task is no longer difficult. You must head towards the sweaty lands to find the mansion. The mansion is located at the top of the cliff. You will be able to see it from the distance. Once you reach the mansion try finding the camera. The camera is placed near the outcropping rock.

There you will see a holographic image of the camera. To place the camera you have to come in contact with the outline of the camera which will prompt you to ‘start surveillance’. Once you have completed this challenge you will be rewarded with 1000 XP.