How to get custom skins in Fortnite?

How to get custom skins in Fortnite?

Fortnite is considered as one of the most talked about game at the moment due to its attention grabbing specifications and the opportunities it provides during gameplay. Yet, innovation and additional aspects added to the game according to your taste and choice can make the gaming experience even more appealing.

Fortnite Battle Royale has released 10 seasons in total up until so if we deduce the fact that various skins are launched with each season, there’s a lot you can choose from. You can spend lots of V Bucks on purchasing recently launched skins yet most of the time they’re not according to your standards.

You might’ve wished to customize these skins in order to make them as close to your taste as possible. Which is why, customization of Fortnite skins is a much hyped topic and everyone wants to know how to get custom skins in Fortnite. Well, no need to worry because we’ve got your back with the real scoop. So, whenever you wish to try something new with your avatars or skins you can follow up this easy tutorial to get custom skins in fortnite.

Fortnite skins and customization

Fortnite skins play a big role during the whole gaming sequence. They’re not really directly effective during the game play but they enhance the process with unique looks and creations that make all the players stand out from the crowd.

Moreover, there are different attires available in the game. In this way you can select these skins and attires to change the appearance of your characters. Some of these skins can be obtained by completing in-game tasks and collecting rewards or you can actually receive them as gifts from your friends. Another amazing fact is that these skins are also available in different colors.

Furthermore, fortnite is known for collaborating with other popular creators around its new launches. The new seasons may or may not include skins and special edition characters that are also inspired by different gaming characters and comic heroes e.g. Marvel’s infinity war, Netflix’s Stranger Things etc.

There are currently 5 top skins available on the platform including:

Apart from all these skins, you can create your own as well to enjoy something different. First and foremost the players need to understand that in order to customize Fortnite skins you’ll have to alter and adjust several game files.


Unfavourite all the previously favorite skins present in your account before starting the process because if there are any already present skins in the favorite section, this glitch might not work at all.

Next, you’ll need to select a default skin so that you’re not really wearing a skin from your locker in particular and then you’ll need to be wearing any back bling at all that’s present in your locker currently.

Now head back to your locker and favorite the skins mentioned that don’t have any select able style but is wearing a mask that can’t currently be removed. Hereby we’ll use the frozen red knight as an example.

Once you’re done with this you’ll also favorite a skin in mention that has select able style with their mask that obviously have the choice to remove. Upon selecting the favorite option you want to select the variant and save it onto your character so you’re wearing the skin in mention.

Now, you have the choice of three options here, wear the helmet, open the visor or wear no helmet at all. Click the one with no helmet so the face is exposed. Once you’re done with this you need to wait until the game is not glitching anymore.

Select the default skin again and then select a random outfit again and make sure it’s the skin.that you initially favourited that doesn’t have a selectable style e.g. the red knight.

Keep repeating this process. Unfavourite it and recycle the randomized outfit again. Once you’ll do this you’ll see that the glitch out would’ve merged the two skins altogether and creating a new customized skin. Now you can perform emotes with your new customized skin that you’ve just created.


It’s really important to understand that the player is aware of the fact, their account might get suspended or banned by Epic Games (the creators of Fortnite) in case any sort of alternations are detected with the game files. So, once you’re familiar with the risks and satisfied, you can move along with any other art if hooks and crooks.

Once you’re done creating your own customized skin in firtnite you can use the unlocked emotes present in your locker with this new skin. The procedure for the glitch is pretty difficult but it gets easier with practice. We hope this article might’ve been helpful for you.