Clix Fortnite Settings



Clix`s real name is Cody and he is a professional Fortnite player. He started his career by playing games like Minecraft and Call of Duty. He started streaming Fortnite at a very young age and quickly rose to fame.

First Professional Break

When Clix was only 14 years old, he was signed up by team Misfits into a contract. That was the time he officially became a pro player.


Clix Mouse Settings

DPI: 800

X-Axis Sensitivity: 8.7%

Y-Axis Sensitivity: 6.3%

Hz: 500

Targeting Sensitivity: 90.9%

Scope Sensitivity: 82.7%

Clix Key Bindings

Wall: F

Floor: X

Stairs: Q

Roof: V

Trap: T

Use: E

Crouch: C

Inventory: I

Map: Tab

Reload / Rotate: R

Building Edit: G / MW Down

Confirm Edit on Release: Off

Harvesting Tool: 1

Weapon Slot 1: 2

Weapon Slot 2: 3

Weapon Slot 3: 4

Weapon Slot 4: 5

Weapon Slot 5: 6

Clix Other

HUD Scale: 96%

Sprint By Default: On

NVIDIA Settings: Default

Clix Fortnite Video Settings


Windowed Mode: Fullscreen

Resolution: 1920×1080

Frame Rate Limit: 240 FPS


Brightness: 90%

Interface Contrast: 1x

Color Blind Mode & Strength: Deuteranope 8

Graphics Quality

View Distance: Medium

Shadows: Off

Anti-Aliasing: Off

Textures: Low

Effects: Low

Post Processing: Low

Advanced Graphics

VSync: Off

Motion Blur: Off

Allow Multithreaded Rendering: On

Achievements in Fortnite Worldcup

Clix then participated in the Fortnite World Cup and bagged home a total of 125,000 US dollars. That was a lot of amount for a fourteen year old prodigy and was definitely a sign for a remarkable future ahead. He ultimately placed 18th among so many players in the Fortnite world cup.

Twitch Channel

Clix regularly uploads his gameplay videos on twitch. He has a total of 19.4 million views on his Twitch accounts and has many paid viewers.

Gaming gear

Clix uses a Dell Alienware AW2518H monitor for his gaming display. He has a FinalMouse Air58i Ninja CBB edition gaming mouse with a glorious 3XL mouse pad. For the keyboard he has an RGB Matrix Elite keyboard. For better sound quality he uses Beyerdynamic DT 990 Pro Headset. On top of all this, Clix uses an Intel Core I9-9900K Processor for his gaming PC. This processor is complemented with an Nvidia Geforce RTX 2080 Ti Graphic Card. All of this is powered by Asus ROG Maximum XI Hero Mainboard.

Streaming gear

Clix streaming setup consists of the following equipment:

  • A HyperX Quadcast Microphone
  • A Blue Compass Arm
  • Gunnar PPK Prescription gaming glasses
  • Logitech Brio Webcam
  • LA-Z-Boy Executive Office Chair