Brite Bag

Brite Bag

Brite Bag is an epic Fortnite Back Bling. It’s released & can be purchased from the Item Shop for 1,500 V-Bucks when listed.

Skin Details

Availability released
Rarity epic
Patch Added 3.1.0
From Backpacks


Can be bought from Cash Shop with 1500 V-Bucks.

A Skin that has the motto of the future being bright needs to have a bag and it does this rainbow colored bag is called the Brite bag and looks absolutely adorable with this skin. This costume also a part of Rainbows set & also comes with Brite Gunner & Brite Bomber.

How to get it?

This is a epic skin & it’s available for purchase in the Item Shop during its rotation.



This skin belong to this set. So let’s get into the items of this set.

Brite Bomber

Brite Bomber

Brite Gunner

Brite Gunner

Rainbow Smash

Rainbow Smash

Rainbow Rider

Rainbow Rider