Fortnite Item Shop January 24, 2023

Fortnite Item Shop January 24, 2023
Check out the Fortnite Item Shop on January 24, 2023 to find out what’s new! Despite the fact that each day brings us a new batch of cosmetics, they are really not new to us. We frequently get goods that have already been sold. However, there are days when we receive brand new cosmetics that have never been offered before, and you’ll be able to get your hands on them!
The skins & Items available for January 24, 2023 are: Eagle, Slow Clap, Guitar Walk, Sugar Rush, Sea Scorpion, Flapper, Munitions Major, First strike Specialist, Limelight, Wedge, Jones Unchained, Clean Cut Widowmaker, Dayflier, Blades of Brother Hand, The Devil’s Wings, Guardian Axe, Psi-Rider, Daredevil’s Billy Clubs, Dragacorn, Probability Daggers, Scootin’, Silver Surfer’s Surfboard, Skull Fire, Daywalker’s Kata, Dance Off, Unstoppable Force, Psi-blade, Soulfire Chains, Meaty Mallets, Widow’s Fangs, The Milano, The Godslayer, Mighty Ant, Silver Surfer Pickaxe, Godslayer Glideboard, Toothpick, Chimichanga!, Ghost Glider, Dragon’s Scale, Grafitaxe, Drip Dropper, Grimules, Echoes, Inversion Blades, Echo Jet, Piledriver, Libre, Nick Fury, Masked Fury, Dynamo, Toon Meowscles, Grimey, Tigeress, Psylocke, Gamora, Captain America, Cuddlepool, Ghost Rider, Ravenpool, Shang-Chi, Daredevil, Black Widow (Snow Suit), Star-Lord Outfit, Silver Surfer, Domino, Blade, Ant-Man, Cable, P.A.N.D.A Team Leader, Wukong, Clint Barton, Kate Bishop, Green Goblin, Shifu, Jade Racer, Gan, Smoke Dragon, Echo, Glumbo, Pen (and Ink) Pals, Scarlet Witch, Wanda’s Cloak, Chaos Hand Axe, Psychic Energy Manipulation, Through the Mirror Dimension, Toona Can, Naomi Osaka, Royale Racket, Royale Racket, Dark Priestess Naomi, Portalforger Paddle, Portalforger Paddle, Serve Stance, The Queen’s Cloudcarriage, Cursed Hazeboard, Bamboo, Royale Dragon, Royale Flags, Spider-Man Zero, Spider Drone, Web Slicer, Spidey Landing, Proto-Adamantium Shield, Proto-Adamantium Shield, Shurayuki, Domino Pack, Cable Cloak, Infernal Chain, Star-Lord Pack, Hawkguy’s Arsenal, Kate’s Quiver.
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