Fortnite Item Shop January 12, 2023

Fortnite Item Shop January 12, 2023
Check out the Fortnite Item Shop on January 12, 2023 to find out what’s new! Despite the fact that each day brings us a new batch of cosmetics, they are really not new to us. We frequently get goods that have already been sold. However, there are days when we receive brand new cosmetics that have never been offered before, and you’ll be able to get your hands on them!
The skins & Items available for January 12, 2023 are: Twist, Infinite Dab, Astra, Shining Star, Grit, Well rounded, Dance Therapy, Payback, Spiked Shell, Googly, Caution, Flowerprint Tribute’s Flail, Sol’s Curse, Banner Wave, Banner, Banner Shield, Emblematic, Custom Cruiser, Banner Cape, Vortextual, Galaxy Starblades, Orelia, Oro, Lt. Logo, Branded Brigadier, Symbol Stalwart, Sgt. Sigil, Marked Marauder, Signature Sniper, Banner Trooper, Branded Brawler, Party Diva, Galaxy Grappler, Throwback BG, WUWEAR Worldwide, B.R.I.T.E., Wu-Tang Represent, Wu-Tang Hands, Wu-Tang Style, Wu-Tang is Forever, Neck Protector, Triumphant Tagger, Shimmy Surfer, Wu Wrap, Banner, Wu Boom Box, Oro Sol, Tribute, Radiant Mantle, Hands of the Galaxy, Light Knives, Star Power, Sticker Star, Chloe Kim, Sub-Zero Flight, Frozen Flourish, Nunbola, Board Flair, Nunbola’s Flight, Hana, Skull of Keleritas, Utility Snapsword, Skybound Longboard, Tornado Spin, Adrenaline Chaser, All Downhill From Here, Vertex, Deflector, Keleritas, Soul Shroud, Momentum, Acceleration, Field Surgeon, Gurney Gear.
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