Fortnite Item Shop January 03, 2023

Fortnite Item Shop January 03, 2023
Check out the Fortnite Item Shop on January 03, 2023 to find out what’s new! Despite the fact that each day brings us a new batch of cosmetics, they are really not new to us. We frequently get goods that have already been sold. However, there are days when we receive brand new cosmetics that have never been offered before, and you’ll be able to get your hands on them!
The skins & Items available for January 03, 2023 are: Envoy, Bullseye, Office Chariot, Enigma, Poki, Shogun, Glitter, Cloud Strike, Bladed Wings, Beef Pack, Fire Spinner, Relaxed Fit Jonesy Reflex Blades, XO Axes, Wolf, Wrangler, Boba Fett, Krrsantan, Fennec Shand, Rey, The Jedi Order, Finn, The Resistance, Sith Trooper, Sith Trooper Blaster, Z-6 Jetpack, Gaffi Stick, Boba Fett’s Starship, Mythosaur Signet, Hutt Clan Symbol, Fennec’s Ship, This Is The Way, Rey’s Quarterstaff, Vibro-scythe, Riot Control Baton, First Order Tie Fighter, Y-Wing, Siren, Last Kiss, Pelt Pack, Fate, Ominous Orb, Omen, Battle Shroud, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Desert Essentials, Obi-Wan’s Blade, Jedi Interceptor, Obi-Wan’s Message, Kenobi, Surrounded, Jonesy the Secondst, Captain Carlos, Heavy Hitter Hector, Mercenary Mansu, Ramirez Redux, General Banshee, Taskforce Rio, Emmy Elite, Son Goku, Power Pole (Nyoibo), Power Pole (Nyoibo), Beerus, The Seer Fish, Power Unleashed, Vegeta, Bulma, Oracle Axe, Split Wing, Fated Frame, Leather Lugger, Han Solo, Millennium Falcon, Leia Organa, R2-D2, Electrostaff, Vibro-staff, Luke Skywalker, Training Remote, X-34 Landspeeder, Lil’ Speeder Bike, Slugthrower Rifle, Rustler, Saddle Bag, Spurred Swinger, Utility Axe, Rustler Plaid, MrBeast6000, Prize Package, Beast Claw, Wrapped and Revved, MrBeast, MrBeast Smasher, Beast Blastin’, Beast Backdrop, Giannis Antetokounmpo, Wings of Victory, Victory in Flight, Hashmark Hatchets, Ankara Print, Mask of Yoruba, Hoplite Giannis, Dunk Buckler, Diamond Doru, Warm-Up.
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