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Fortnite Pastel Skin - How to get? - Fortskins.org Fortnite Pastel Skin - How to get? - Fortskins.org



Pastel is an Uncommon Fortnite Skin OR Outfit. It’s released & can be purchased from the Item Shop for 800 V-Bucks when listed. This skin is all about Pastels, the official description of this skin Is “Spring into action”. The rarity of the skin is uncommon, the source of the skin is Item Shop and the character of this skin is Headhunter.

Skin Details

Availability released
Rarity uncommon
Patch Added 8.40
Source Item Shop
Character Headhunter
From Fortnite Skins


You can buy it from Cash Shop with 800 V-Bucks. There aren’t a lot of sets that have two same-gender skin but Fornite spices things up and always throws something at you that you didn’t expect. This is another skin that is part of the bunny brawler skin and its name is Pastel which also has a festive costume.

The design of the skin is all about Pastel pinks and spring. The skin has a pretty causal suit with pink top with polka dots and some grenades that are painted to look like easter eggs.


You need to know about the sources of the skins to get to know about how you can get the skin. If you already know about them then you can skip this part and get to the last part of the article that is titled Getting Pastel. If you are new to this you need to know about the sources of the skin so stay tuned.

Item Shop

When you see this is the description of the skin’s sources you have to be a bit patient. The Item Shop has shop rotation when it comes to the skins and it basically means you need to keep an eye on the Item Shop as the skins get off the shop quite quickly as they get switched with other skins.

The rotation of the skin is pretty random so there isn’t much of a time frame with some skins but when it comes to the skins that are themed after a festival they are bit easier to narrow down as they are available on the Item Shop at the time of the festival they are themed after.

Battle Pass

This is another source of the skin and when the source of the skin is this you need to buy the battle pass of the Season that is required to unlock the Skin and you might have to get to a tier to unlock the skin or you might get the skin immediately after you purchase the Battle Pass and will have to get certain XPs to unlock the Styles you want.

How to get it?

This is an uncommon skin & it’s available for purchase in the Item Shop during its rotation. The Source of the skin is Item Shop and this skin will cost you 800 V-Bucks when you purchase it. As it is an Easter-themed skin so you have a bit of a time frame on when it will be available on the Item Shop. So you can visit the Item Shop around Easter time and you will be able to get this skin in your skin collection and the best part is that you won’t have to save up much for it as it is only 800 V-Bucks.



This skin belongs to a set like most of the skins do in Fornite, the set of this skin is called Pastel Patrol Set. There are 8 cosmetic items in this set including this skin, let’s get into the items that you can pair with this skin from the Pastol Patrol troll. I have mentioned them down below:

Spring Party

Spring Party

Carrot Stick

Carrot Stick

Hard Boiled

Hard Boiled


Bunny Brawler





Rabbit Raider

Rabbit Raider

