Valheim Weapons: 4 Secret & Powerful Weapons in Valheim

The four weapons that are so powerful no one will challenge you now two of these weapons are illegal in most servers meaning it’s a rule breaker and owners will tend to ban you if they find out you have them in your possession and of course the two illegal ones they are the coolest

Valheim Cheat Sword

Valheim Weapons

The cheat sword with 10 000 slash damage which is an instant kill to anything in the game and 10 block power well really the block power doesn’t matter I guess you also have another 40 knockback damage on it but that also doesn’t matter as it’s kind of like a one-hit sword so it really likes the other things don’t matter i might also add that this sword is indestructible it has no durability and the only way it can be despawned or ruined.

Valheim Flame Sword

Valheim Weapons

The flame sword genuine or dern win or some other win I think or wine something like that some other pronunciation this sword is pretty much just cool it has 35 damage and 55 slash damage it’s not indestructible though it seems that it can be upgraded later in the game which will be pretty cool imagine if we could have like green or blue fire swords that would be awesome but soon enough you will indeed see the sword possibly ruling kingdoms everyone will want a sword as much as you do so.

Valheim Black Metal Atgeir

Valheim Weapons

It’s better than most weapons as this is the full upgrade to the top tier and I have my skill level for this particular Valheim black metal weapon out of 100 it’s a polearm also kind of like a bose staff but not really pierce damage at 123 that is a lot more than a lot of weapons a lot more the block power is at 10 but you can also easily dodge and use knockback beforehand with spin the only bad thing about this weapon is that it’s negative 10 speed on your character but the thing is if you have this weapon full tier and your skill level at 100 you can become super fast wearing the right armor and using the right gear

Valheim Draugr Fang Bow

Valheim Weapons

The Draugr fang bow is also known as the Draugr fang bow the best bow in the game with of course the best arrows that make the most damage the reason why this bow is so good and it’s very easy to get Valheim Draugr fang bow that for one it glows which is pretty dope we do not lie pierce is at 56 and poison damage at 20. with that, you have 20 knockback power full tier and your skill level at 100 it’s a two-shot on trolls one shot on most creatures which is crazy.