Valheim Fishing Rod Location & How To Fish?

Valheim Fishing Rod

We’re going to be talking about fishing where you can find the fishing rod from the very start of the game best spots to fish were not how to fish and the benefits of eating fish meat.

Valheim Find Fishing Rod

First we actually need to obtain the fishing rod and if you already have it this video is time stamp just skip ahead to the parts that you need but this part is very tricky because it’s actually sold by the trader the dwarf i mean little person named haldor and his location is completely different for every player’s world.

If you haven’t found him yet you’re out of luck Kimo sabe psych actually I found a way you can get right to him from the start of the game if you aren’t already aware you can hop between servers while still maintaining your inventory and skills so exit your main world create a new one call it Valheim trader.

It’s not from the location where the crow drops you in the beginning head south for a few minutes there will be a mountain on the right somewhere just try to avoid it once you come along the shoreline follow it south till you reach an area right around here where you can cross to the black forest on the other side once you’re over there head a bit further south until you see a bag icon appear on your map that’s haldor.

Once you’re with him you’ll see he has a few items to sell the yule hat a circlet that also is a light source so you don’t have to carry a torch meganjord i think that’s how you say that which increases your inventory space yamir flesh for a boss battle and of course our fishing rod as well as the bait you’ll need to have at least 360 gold coins to pay for the rod and one bundle of bait so go rate some dungeons if you don’t have the coin it shouldn’t really take you that long to gather after it’s been bought it will be now in your inventory so you can carry it back to your main world so now that you’ve got your fishing rod and your bait.

Valheim Where to Fish?

Valheim Fishing Rod

where you can’t use it the open ocean during a storm i was so excited to try out my new rod with some deep-sea fishing but storms basically prevent the fish from seeing the bait so you’re going to have to wait till the water is calm.

Valheim How to Fish?

Valheim Fishing Rod

how to fish you want to look for locations on the shoreline where you can visually see fish technically you don’t need to see them to catch them but if you’re able to see them then you know where to cast and it saves you a ton of time now depending on the level of the fish whether it’s a one-star or a two-star you can get between one and four fish meat for every catch.

There’s usually about four to five fish in a school so you can come out with about 10 or so meat for every fishing spot now to actually catch a fish and not get frustrated first need to make sure that you have a good stamina bar get yourself a full stomach eat some meat berries maybe some munchies fishing requires a lot of stamina to cast hold left mouse button as you would as if you were firing a bow the longer you hold it in the further you’re going to cast but let me save you the trouble don’t cast very far you want to have as little space between you and the fish on the hook as possible.

You’ll know why in a second so when a fish comes by to take the bait you’ll see the bobber dip below the surface when this happens quickly click the right mouse button to hook the fish if you hesitate the fish will get away but once you click the right mouse hold it in until you have the fish all the way reeled in and now you’ll start to understand what I was hinting at before reeling consumes a lot of stamina and some fish require longer to reel in than others so all the stuff I had told you previously will start to add up if your stamina runs out before the fish is all the way in you’re going to lose the catch a quick tip for this will be if the fish is all the way up to the beach and you’re starting to run out of stamina you may be able to just walk up to it.

Valheim Cook Fish

once you got your fish meat head back up to base camp and throw them puppies on the grill cook fish offers 45 health regen and 25 stamina and it really is the easiest meat to gather in bulk i was able to get 10 cooked fish meat in under 10 minutes.