How to refund fortnite skins?

How to refund fortnite skins

Gaming is usually done in a bit of a rush, so usually while you’re playing you make several decisions that you end up regretting later on. Similar is the case for Fortnite skins. When a Fortnite skin is recently launched, fortnite players are extremely willing to get their hands on a recent thing from the Item Shop.

The urge to fill up your locker in this case is very imminent incase it disappears later on. Making sudden purchases can come back amd bite you in the futyre. There could be multiple displeasing reasons. Either you’ll end up hating the item or skin in case it doesn’t perform according to your expectations or you regret wasting your V Bucks on something you didn’t even need in the first place.

Refunding Fortnite skins is the best way to tackle with this issue. In the past, players didn’t really have the update to refund skins or any other stuff from the item shop. This actually meant that once you purchase something, you’re stuck with it even if you end up not liking it later on. With this new refunding update, the exact amount of V Bucks are transferred back into your account without any sort of substraction. We’re sure that you’d definitely want to know how to refund skins in Fortnite.

The recent updates

Now, fortnite Battle rRoyale allows its player to refund skins amd other items from the Item shop. Ths first update was quite different from the recent updates regarding the refunding option. God knows if Epic games will bring back the first update or not. So, if you wish to return some skins and earn back those V Bucks in your account make sure you continue reading this easy step by step guide on how to refund your Fortnite skins. Take a look:


  • Back in the days you could perform this function under the category of Item shop but now it’s a bit different. After opening the main menu you’ll come across the “Settings” category.Click on that and you’ll come across the tab of “Account and Content”.
  • Open “Account and Content”. A warning for the players, if you open the account details while doing a live streaming session make sure that you’re hiding your Epic account code. That’s for security reasons, because by using that code people can manipulate your account. You can lose hold over your own account. If somebody else sees this number, your account can definitely be in jeopardy.
  • Next, click on “Submit a request”. This is where the whole process actually begins. Here fortnite will remind you that you’ll only have 3 life time refunding choices. After opening the return request panel you can chose the item/skin you want to refund.
  • After clicking on the skin you want to refund, you’ll elaborate the reason why you’re returning it. You can choose from the options “Accidental purchase” , “Unauthorized purchase” or ” Item not as expected”.
  • Select the correct choice and now you can submit the return request.
  • The process is done and now the exact amount of V Bucks will be transferred back to your own account.
  • The recent update only gives you a short span of time to make up your mind. Either you want your purchase to remain in your account or either you want to refund it amd gain back your V Bucks.
  • If you know how to purchase skins on fortnite this process should be even more easy for you. You can refund the skin from the same purchase panel you bought it from.
  • Just open the skin inside your locker ad click on the refund option within five minutes of your purchase. The V Bucks will be transferred back to your account and the item shall be returned. There’s one thing to remember that, you cannot purchase or refund the skin you’ve applied the same options on, in the past. So, make sure you remember what skins or items you’ve refunded in the past.


Fortnite allows you to refund skins only thrice during your account’s life span. It really depends upon you, how you use this option for your sake. Make sure that you don’t waste these turns because when there will be the time to return something far more worse, there’s a possibility that you might’ve ran out of your turns already. Another thing to find out is, whats the time limit for refunding.

The first update in Battle Royale allowed you to return any items purchased in the past 30 days.On the other hand the new update only allows the time span of 5 minutes to make a decision. These are all the major facts and figures you need to know in order to refund skins in Fortnite. We hope this article might’ve been helpful for you.