Fortnite She Hulk Skin

Fortnite She Hulk Skin

Fortnite’s collaboration ends up being the talk of the town every once in a while. That’s because Fortnite chooses to collaborate with successful pop-culture names like the Marvel universe, which ends up shaping a grand affair of its own.

As the Marvel universe has a fair share of enthusiasts of its own, the transfusion of both universes greatly benefits Epic while exceptionally entertaining Fortnite fans at the same time. So, apart from some prominent characters, there’s a bunch of Marvel Legends emotes for players to unlock in Chapter two’s new Battle Pass.

There are more characters like:

The recent edition into the long list of Marvel and Fortnite collabs is the introduction of She-Hulk. There’s no denying that She-Hulk’s indeed turning out to be the innovation Fortnite needed at current times, and the three She-hulk challenges have stirred up the pot quite well. So, let’s have a look at the Fortnite She Hulk challenges and how you can ace these challenges pretty easily.

Skin Details

Battle Pass Season: 14
Battle Pass Tier 22
Rarity Marvel

How to get it?

If you want to get this Fortnite She Hulk Skin then you have to reach Fortnite Battle Pass Season 14 and tier 22.
