Flying Saucer

Flying Saucer

Flying Saucer is a Fortnite Glider. It’s released & can be purchased from the Item Shop for 1200 V-Bucks when listed.

Skin Details

Availability Released
Release Date 08/10/2018
Type Gliders
Rarity Epic

How to Reach?

You can Buy it from Cash Shop with 1200 V-Bucks. You will need sauce for your burger and you got an epic glider skin and is called the flying saucer.

How to get it?

This is a skin & it’s available for purchase in the Fortnite Item Shop when listed.



This skin belong to this set. So let’s get into the items of this set.


Grill Sergeant

Deep Fried

Deep Fried

Flying Saucer

Flying Saucer


Beef Boss

Patty Whacker

Patty Whacker